- minority stockholder
- мелкий акционер
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
minority stockholder — ➔ stockholder * * * minority stockholder UK US noun [C] FINANCE, STOCK MARKET ► MINORITY SHAREHOLDER(Cf. ↑minority shareholder) … Financial and business terms
minority stockholder — n. A stockholder who holds very few shares in a corporation and thus is unable to vote effectively for corporate directors. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
minority stockholder — Those stockholders of a corporation who hold so few shares in relation to the total outstanding that they are unable to control the management of the corporation or to elect directors … Black's law dictionary
minority stockholder — Those stockholders of a corporation who hold so few shares in relation to the total outstanding that they are unable to control the management of the corporation or to elect directors … Black's law dictionary
minority shareholder — ➔ shareholder * * * minority shareholder UK US noun [C] (also minority stockholder) FINANCE, STOCK MARKET ► a person or organization that owns fewer shares in a company than the controlling shareholder: »minority shareholder rights » … Financial and business terms
stockholder — (shareholder) A person who owns shares of stock in a corporation or joint stock company. Referred to as Shareholder under Rev. Model Bus.Corp. Act and a number of state statutes, and defined in Model Act (No. 1.40) as the person in whose name… … Black's law dictionary
Stockholder — Holder of equity shares in a firm. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * stockholder stock‧hold‧er [ˈstɒkˌhəʊldə ǁ ˈstɑːkˌhoʊldər] noun [countable] especially AmE FINANCE a person or organization that owns shares in a particular company; =… … Financial and business terms
stockholder — See: shareholder. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * stockholder stock‧hold‧er [ˈstɒkˌhəʊldə ǁ ˈstɑːkˌhoʊldər] noun [countable] especially AmE FINANCE a person or organization that owns shares in a particular company; = SHAREHOLDER: • He… … Financial and business terms
stockholder — (esp. AmE) noun ADJECTIVE ▪ sole ▪ major, majority, principal ▪ minority ▪ preferred ▪ The … Collocations dictionary
minority interest — *Equity ownership in a corporation controlled by another, dominant stockholder. Minority interests are rewarded by *dividend income and *appreciation in the value of *common stock, but they are normally unable to determine the strategic policies… … Auditor's dictionary
shareholder — (stockholder) A person who owns shares of stock in a corporation or joint stock company. Referred to as Shareholder under Rev. Model Bus.Corp. Act and a number of state statutes, and defined in Model Act (No. 1.40) as the person in whose name… … Black's law dictionary